Case Study
City of Greater Geelong
Solucio was engaged to develop a Master Plan for Myers Reserve. The need for the Plan arose from stakeholders identifying specific constraints within the Reserve and the inability to meet their current and future sporting and recreation needs.
The Master Plan was developed with significant research, analysis, consultation, and collaboration with key stakeholders. This included:
- Literature review of all relevant City of Greater Geelong and SSA strategic documents.
- Site visit and audit of all facilities.
- FFP assessments and future improvement recommendations.
- Demand assessments for the site-based club and sport participation data, demographics and population forecasts.
- In-depth interviews with key stakeholders.
- Draft Funding Strategy and Implementation schedule.
The final outcome was a Master Plan providing a consolidated and long-term approach to future infrastructure development across the site.
- Issues and Opportunities Report.
- Schematic design of the reserve and football pavilions.
- Illustrative Landscape Plan, including detailed area plans for netball, play space and the football pavillion.
- Preliminary Quantity Surveyor cost estimates and a funding strategy.
The final outcome was a detailed report outlining the strategic rationale and staged approach of the final FDP.
Project Details
Project: Myers Reserve Masterplan
Client: City of Greater Geelong
Industry: Government